
TheJammers: Public Sharing [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]

Upload and Play Song

Song you want to play: [e.g.Apache_01102016.mp3]
Select mp3 to upload: [File size limit: 8MB. Don't use special character in your file name (e.g. &/_/*/^,etc) ]

Please input the song name, music file name, musician name, musician email below for sharing.
(Please input N/A if below information is applicable for your song.)
Song name:

Music file name:

Musician name:

Musician email:


If you click the "Submit" button, the form-data will be sent to the music sharing database.

Search song:

List of song database [Music sharing database, All/ MMO/ Non-MMO].

List of song database [Music sharing database, MMO].

List of song database [Music sharing database, Non-MMO].

Weekly Delete Area

Song you want to play[Weekly delete]: [e.g.Apache_01102016.mp3]
Select mp3 to upload: [File size limit: 8MB][Weekly delete]

User Registration

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List of the Songs


Arrivederci Roma

Dance on

Hotel California

To Love

To Love



Theme of yeung lovers

Walk don't run

Yellow Jacket

500 miles

Give Thanks

Romance de Amor

Must See Places In Paris